Blog Pages
The Link Between Your Cycle and Brain Health
In this blog Wendy explores why a regular cycle can matter for brain health and cognition later in life. Another reason for us to understand that a menstrual cycle is not just about making babies! Your menstrual cycle is more than just a monthly inconvenience—it’s a...
The Tween Period Guide for Parents: What You Wish You’d Known
I remember the day I got my first period. No one had ever talked to me about it—not my mum, not my older sister, not anyone. Everything about periods felt hush-hush, like some secret club I hadn’t been initiated into yet. So when I saw blood, my first thought? I had...
As I come to late stage perimenopause, this is a light hearted blog on all the amazing ways that a menstrual cycle contributes to women’s health overall. Its a fun read.
Sperm Analysis – the reality about the ranges used
This blog is a really useful one if you have had a bit of a hiccup in your fertility journey. It goes over how the sperm analysis ranges came to be and why just being “fine” may not be enough.
Mindful Eating. Improve your health and weight.
Being in the moment, mindfulness, mindful practices – they have all received a bit of attention of late. We are starting to realise that our inability to focus on what we are doing at the time can contribute to a whole host of issues in relation to our mental health....
Stress and its affect on your period
The first time I started writing this blog I ended up writing a whole page on the stress response system and didn’t even get to how it affects your period. If your life is like my life, then you want the info about how this all works, some dot points with some...
As a Naturopath that specialises in women’s health, I’m often asked about the “best” tips for pregnancy and whilst every woman is individual, I have put together a list of the basics that I think that women should consider to improve fertility before they are looking...
Boost Your Child’s Immunity This Autumn – A Head Start for a Healthier Winter
Boost Your Child’s Immunity This Autumn – A Head Start for a Healthier Winter The brisk winds of autumn will be here soon, and with the cooler months on the horizon, it’s a great time to start thinking about your child’s immune health. A little preparation now can go...
Understanding Your Period: A Guide for Tweens
Understanding Your Period: A Guide for Tweens As you get older, your body starts to change in all sorts of ways, and one of the biggest changes you’ll experience is your period. It’s totally normal to feel a little bit unsure or even confused at first—your body is...
Fertility Support – part 1 of a 6 part blog
If you have ever wondered what the top words of advice would be regarding pregnancy support from a Women's Health Naturopath then the next couple series of blogs are for you! These blogs actually appear on the wellness centre that I practice from, Soul Spectrum at...
The Truth About The Pill – Part 1 Teenagers
In this blog we explore the main reasons that teenagers are put on the pill and why the pill will not actually address these concerns.
Endometriosis – Not the same stuff you already know
I think its fair to say that the recent research in regard to endometriosis has helped us understand that endometriosis is not just a hormonal condition so this blog will go beyond the commonly known things. Thank god there has been tireless campaigners for research...
The Lowdown on PMS – what you can do about it
The Lowdown on PMS Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) gained lots of interest when there were some studies in the 70s and the 80s that suggested a link between females committing crimes and PMS. In both the US and in the UK PMS has been used as a defence for criminal...
Jessica’s Story – How She Got Her Periods Back
Jess is a gorgeous 26-year-old with everything going for her, good job, lovely partner and some great friends and family around her. She came to me as she had been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and had come off the pill but still had not had a...
How to improve calcium – hint not just increase dairy
How to improve calcium – hint not just increase dairy This week in clinic I had the coolest 71 year who was there because she wanted help to improve her bone density. She had been on Prolia but the side effects were so bad that she can off about 18 months before. It...
Why do vaginal infections reoccur?
Reoccurring vaginal infections – why do they come back and what to do about it So for a part of the human anatomy that is so closely linked to the procreation of the human species, there has actually only been good research around the vagina in the last few...
No – there is no such things as Too Much Information when it comes to periods. We have to talk about it so we know what is normal and what we can do about it if it isn’t normal.
10 years after a 45kg weight loss – what have I learnt?
I know that social media gets a bad wrap sometimes but one of things that I do love about Facebook in particular is the memories that come up in your feed. This week I had a memory come up that made me think. A lot. It was a picture of me and one of my besties out to...
Light Bladder Leakage and Urinary Incontinence – Guest blog from women’s health physio Lisa
Light Bladder Leakage - Is this “normal”? • 1 in 8 women leak when they laugh. • Around 50% of women will leak urine in the last few weeks of their pregnancy. Do you find yourself with wet underwear during a workout session? (And the reason is not because of sweat!)...
The Lowdown on Food and Hormones
Food can have a really strong impact on hormones and conditions like PMS, PCOS, endometriosis and menopause.
How can a Naturopath help with hormone balance?
Naturopathy is a holistic modality. It believes in the interconnectedness of mind, body and spirit to be able to achieve good health. It focuses on the restoration of health where health has failed, the optimisation of good health and prevention of health...
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