Here is the big news that is not always spoken about in fertility – ITS NOT JUST ABOUT WOMENS HEALTH.
In fact, as this blog explains, there are about 50% of cases where male factors influence infertility.
This information is equally great if are deciding to have a baby and you have a male partner, or if you are considering a donor.
This is the fifth part of a six series blog that I wrote for Soul Spectrum, the Wellness Centre that I work from regarding natural health fertility tips.
In this blog I go over;
1. Why sperm health matters
2. What to be aware of when looking at sperm analysis ranges (more detail in a previous blog)
3. How to improve sperm health
Click on the link below and it will take you through to it.
(If you are keen for fertility support from a Naturopath who is passionate about the subject then don’t forget to click on the links – there is lots of great info that you can act on straight away)