Naturopathic Consultations
Change from within
What sets Naturopathy apart from many other modalities is the time spent with you and finding out how you got to where you currently are. It is most definitely not just a case of listing your symptoms and suggesting a remedy. You are far more than a diagnosis, or a list of concerns. In order to be able to tailor unique treatment plans it’s important to understand the underlying drivers of the concerns that you have. It is equally important that you are ready and willing to commit to the process of change. Natural medicine is not a quick fix solution but my expertise can guide you so that it is a longer lasting solution for you.
To ensure that I have space for return consultations with my current patients, there is currently around a 6 week wait for a new appointment. I really do understand its hard to wait, I just don’t want to take you on as a new patient if I don’t think I can serve you well. Thank you.
Initial Consultation 75 minutes $220*
In an initial consultation we will go through your medical history, your diet, movement, energy levels, bowel motions, menstrual cycle, sleep and stress. Although 75 minutes sounds like a long time, the 75 minutes is usually pretty full as I do ask lots of questions! Sometimes I call this the fact-finding consultation because it’s all about getting a sense of you and how you got to be where you are. If you have recent pathology or testing it is always a good idea to bring that. Sometimes I might suggest some additional testing at this point. I generally spend as much time working on your case outside of the consultation as I do in the initial consultation. I do this so I can try to understand the drivers to where your health is now to determine how to improve it. After the initial consultation is when I will develop your tailored treatment plan ready for your next consultation.
Please note a 50% non refundable deposit is required for bookings. It will happily be transferred to a rescheduled appointment but is non refundable for a cancellation. Thanks for your understanding on this.
Follow Up Consultation 40 minutes $95*
If this is your first follow up consultation after your initial appointment, then it will be spent going through your specific Treatment Plan and understanding the drivers to where you currently are. The Treatment Plan is like our roadmap for what your goals are and how we will get there. I am a great believer in the philosophy that knowledge is power and provides for informed decision making. Understanding the “why” is critical to the process of change.
After the first follow up appointment, then these are our check in appointments. This is where we will check the progress that you are making against the goals that you have in your Treatment Plan. In the Treatment Plan follow up consultation, I will suggest how frequently Follow Up consultations should be for you.
Herbs and Nutrients? Why yes I do.
Naturopathy is a wholistic modality that looks at all of the lifestyle drivers to your health. Long term changes to this area is the only way to maintain sustainable health results but to get to that point I do use herbs and specific nutrient supplementation, particularly initially. These recommendations are based on traditional uses and published clinical trials. Its not my policy to over supplement but in my years of experience I have found that it is the most effective way to get results. Then we work towards how to maintain them with lifestyle changes. My goal throughout the process is to educate so that you have the power to make informed decisions about your health and this includes why I recommend what I do for you.
*note that herbs and supplements recommended as part of the treatment plan are not included in these prices as these recommendations are made specifically for each person.